
If you think about humans, as individuals we are not able to perform multiple external physical tasks simultaneously. We are ineffective during situations where many things have to be accomplished quickly, because our minds can only handle doing a few things at once, and we do not have several end-effectors to handle the tasks.

For some of these tasks, the ability to make complex decisions is not necessary. The tasks may also be in dangerous environments. For these reasons, robots would be the best means to assist with this problem. The robots would be modules that, when connected, are able to form a system to accomplish the task.

The global fab lab network would be able to help support the development of these robot modules by contributing to the robot module repository, and fabricating others designs to test them. This would then be put into action by fab labs becoming a hub for the fabrication, deploying, and control of these robot systems for nearby situations or natural disasters.

This then leaves the question:

How to create a robot system to accomplish specific tasks in different environments, with various conditions, semi-autonomously?

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just in case i can't update this one regularly because of connectivity issues

Fab Academy Final Project

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For Fab11

v0.4 Preview

Update for the fablabs.io page


Fab Academy final project

v0.2 CAD

Draft for Fab Academy final project

Fab 11

RDAS project on fablabs.io